Day 4: Fraser to Walden, CO -79 miles

If yesterday’s mental hurdle was the physical battle of the hardest pass of the trip, today was certainly the first big emotional hurdle. Since I lived in Fraser all winter and spent last night on my own former couch (thanks ex-roomies!), yesterday felt like a hard ride with a good friend and I got to go home when it was over. Today, however, I set out on my own, riding off into the unknown (ok, not entirely unknown as I’ve ridden this stretch of road and camped in Walden before.) It was a hard and emotional departure from the valley.

Once I got past Granby and stopped crying, the ride up hwy 125 to Willow Creek Pass was spectacular. It’s a quiet road with a mild grade and outstanding scenery. After making my second continental divide crossing of the trip

I endured the old, cracked, kerthunkety pavement down to Walden with a quick detour to the Arapahoe National Wildlife Refuge. Today’s wildlife sightings include a songbird that sounds like R2D2, a badger of sorts running along the side of 125, and a moose right outside my house in Fraser.

 Tonight camping in Walden I met 5(!) other cyclists headed the same way I am for the next few days: a gentleman from steamboat, a brother and sister from Miami (who met David T on their way up Berthoud yesterday), and a couple from England.

Shoutout of the day: Eric M for the gracious loan of his 1-man backpacking tent (It’s cozy!), And John the Cyclist from Steamboat for treating me to dinner. 
