Photos from Sarah’s Sendoff

Sarah will be blogging from the road at To donate, go to
CNA's Bike4Nepal on the capitol building steps in Denver, CO

It was a beautiful day for a bike ride in Downtown Denver. Thanks to everyone who cheered, made signs, and learned about Nepal today!

Thanks to everyone who donated, rode, or celebrated with us today!

We’re strong because of the relationships we have in rural Nepal, and because of the relationships we have here at home. Thanks, Colorado, for giving Sarah a great sendoff!

Today, Sarah showed us that when Coloradans see their friends in need, they’ll move heaven and earth to help. We want you to know that if you stand-up for Nepal, we’ll stand with you. And if that involves an uphill ride from Denver to Golden, we’ll ride with you too!

We’re a small, entirely volunteer organization with ties in both Colorado and Nepal. Because we’re an all volunteer group, our strength is in our relationships, and in our deep dedication to our friends in Nepal. Right now, we are focused on providing food and temporary shelter to the residents of Darkha and other rural villages to the north. Please help if you can.

You can read more about Sarah’s ride on the Bike4Nepal page.

Signs for Sarah

Making signs to support our friends


Anne supporting Sarah

Sarah and Anne addressing the crowd just minutes before the start of her ride.


Supporters and signs

Supporters and signs



Sendoff party at the (always wonderful) Sherpa House Restaurant & Culture Center in Golden, CO


Sarah with her cake

The cake alone was worth the ride from the Capitol steps in Denver to Golden, CO

